Puffer Genealogy
Matches 27,401 to 27,600 of 29,523
# | Notes | Linked to |
27401 | retired | PUFFER, James Ernest (I16887)
27402 | Retired executive secretary from Traveler's Insurance Company, Hartford, CT. | PUFFER, Priscilla Emma (I37355)
27403 | Retired from Grand Trunk Railroad as a Police Officer | CUNDIFF, John Albert (I34444)
27404 | Retired from McClellan Air Force Base. | PUFFER, Jerry Lee (I18627)
27405 | Retired, no children. | CHAMBERLAIN, Joseph (I14958)
27406 | REV. Forrester McKaughan was a twin to Jesse Alfred. At times during h is lifetime he spelled his name "McKoin". Information from his Bibles s ays he was a member of the Protestant Church for thirty-five years. Th is would have been the Protestant Methodist Church, which was very popu lar in that area for many years. He then changed to the Christian Chur ch where he was a minister in Guilford County, North Carolina. The chu rch, now gone, was next to what is now the A. and I. Cemetery. Another d enomination built across the road from the cemetery and now uses it . H e and several of his family are buried in this cemetery. On one census , he spelled his name McKoin however later when gravestones were bought , it is spelled McCaughan. Rev. Forrester had been conducting a revival at the Mt Zion Church near P ilot Mountain, NC. As he rose to speak, he died of an apparent heart at tack, 30 September 188 3. Four Generations of McKaughans in America has the death date as 3 0 sep 1888. I have only a couple generations worked out for Rev. Forrester McKaugha n. I understand someone in Kernersville has been working on his line. I h ave through the years written to several McKaughan's of his line in Ker nersville but so far have not had any of them answer so the y must not w ant to share their information. Rev. Forrester McKaughan's Bible left a multitude of information he and o ther members of the family had written down. It is from his Bible that w e found my great-grandfather's, Rev. William McCoin, obituary. Rev. Wi lliam died after Rev. Forrester so someone had added this to the Bible, f or which we are thankful. OTHER INFORMATION FOUIND IN REV. FORRESTER McKAUGHAN'S BIBLE: MARRIAGES FORRESTER McCOIN AND SALLEY P. PARRISH was married February the 2nd A .D. 1839. FORRESTER McCOIN and REBECCA PERKINS was married October the 20th, A.D. 1 862. THOMAS STANLEY AND T. ELIZABEIH McCOIN was married January 24th, A.D. 1 865. JOHN F. McKAUGHAN and LUSENA KNIGHT was married September the 8th, A.D. 1 870. WILLIAM W. McKAUGHAN and ANN HUFFINES was married October 31st, A.D. 18 72. WILLIAS L. McKAUGHAN and MARTHA CORUM was married February the 21st, A. D. 1978. J.T. DEANS and ALETHA J. McKAUGHAN was married November the llth, A.D. 1 878. J.P. TUCKER and PHOEBE E. McKAUGHAN was married September the 16th, A.D ., 1886 (1896) BIRTHS FORRESTER McCOIN was born May lst, A.D. 1815. SALLY P. McCOIN was born June lst, A.D. 1818. REBECCA P. McCOIN was born June the 17th, A.D. 1815. ALETHA JANE McCOIN was born August the 15th, A.D. 1840. Twins: TILLITHA ELIZABEIH and WYATT PARRISH McCOIN were born August the 2 7th, A.D., 1842 PHOEBE ELMIRA McCOIN was born May 19th A.D., 1845. JOHN FRANKLIN McCOIN was born March 25th, A.D., 1847. WILLIAM WALTER McCOIN was born March 25th A.D. 1851. WILLIAS LEONA McCOIN was born September 24th, A.D. 1853 JAMES P. TUCKER was born June llth, A.D. 1859 died July 29th A.D. 1919, a ge 57 years, 1 mo. 18 days. DEBRO GLENN McKOIN was born August 7, 1895, died August 23, 1961. Buri ed at the Rock of Ages Church Cemetery, between Greenboro and Oak Ridge, North Caroli na (Debro was a grandson of William Leonadus. He enlisted in North Carolina. Pvt. Bat ry E. 307 Fld Arty. World War I). KATHY SUE McKOIN (Debro's daughter) born April 2, 1955, died August 26t h, 1955. 4 mos 24 days DEATHS SALLY P. McCOIN September the 17th, A.D. 1867. PHEBE McCOIN (mother) September 16, A.D. 1867. WYATT P. McCOIN December 18th A.D. 1867. Age 25 years 3 mos 9 days. REBECCA PERKINS McCOIN August 16th, A.D. 1883. LAURA JANE McCOIN (granddaughter) born August A.D. 1885. MARTHA CORUM McCOIN (wife of Willias) died August 1886. FORRESTER McKaughan died September the 30th A.D. 1883. In loving Remem berance of him. Age 73 Yrs. 3 Mos. 29 days. PHEBE ELIZABEIH McCOIN born May the 19th, died July 31, 1921 at 12 o'cl ock night. Age 76 years, 2 mos. 12 days. ALETHA JANE DEANS died February 25th, 1923. Age 83 Years I mo 26 days. MRS ELIZABEIE McCOIN STANLEY died January 30, 1916, at 9 O'clock. Age 7 4 years, 8 mos CHARLES CLAYTON McKOIN (brother to Debro) born March 7th 1894. died Mar ch 1947. Age 53 years, 7 months. He was Supt. of the Mills Home, Baptist Orphana ge at Thomasville, North Carolina, for many years. Forrester McKaughan, profest religion in the year of our Lord 1836 in J uly of that year. He joined the Protestant Church and was an official member thirty-five y ears. He then joined the Christian Church and was a licensed deacon in the church. May God b less his work and help him to be useful. He is also an ordained deacon in the Christian C hurch. The Bible was printed in 1860. In 1967, it belonged to Terry Lee McKoi n in Greenboro, North Carolina. He is a great-grandson of Rev. Forrester McKaughan/McC oin. ODDS AND ENDS IN REV. FORRESTER McKAUGHAN'S BIBL E JOSIAH and SARAH JESOP was married the 10th day of the 5th month, 1 827. DEBRO GLENN McKOIN and VESTA ALICE WHITAKER was married the 24th day of t he 10th month, 1791. LEVI BUCKINGHAM was born the 22nd of the 7th month, 1756. LEVI BUCKINGHAM, JR. was born the 24th day of the 10th month, 1791 (177 1 ?) JOSIAH JESOP was born the 4th day of the 4th month, 1779. SARAH JESOP was born the 26th day of the 10th month. 1785. RACHEL BUCKINGHAM was born the 12th day of the 8th month, 1780. LELAH BUCKINGHAM was born the 20th day of the 8th month, 1787. REBECCA BUCKINGHAM deceased the 26th day of the lst month, 1893. LEVI BUCKINGHAM deceased 18th day of the llth month, 1841. JOSIAH JESOP deceased the 10th day of the 4th month, 1850. LELAH PURKINS deceased the 14th day of the 4th month, 1873, Age 82 Yrs 7 M os 24 days. (Must be Rebecca Perkins' mother). RACHEL BUCKINGHAM deceased the 8th day of the 2nd month, 1883, Age 92 y ears 5 mos 25 days. SARAH JESOP deceased the 30th day of the 10th month, 1883, age 94 yrs, 4 d ays. WILLIS L. McKOIN died June 20, 1911, age 78 years. LUCY JANE McKOIN died October 27th, 1830. age 72 days 24 days. PHEBE died 1867, LELAH died 1873, RACHEL died 1882, Rebecca 1883 (writt en in margin). It was this generation, around 1870 when men were changing their burden some, immigrant names to the American version. They changed it to how i t was pronounced in the locality where they settled. Apparently the Ga elic pronunciation of McKaughan sounded like McCoin for that is the mos t popular way to spell the name now. | MCKAUGHAN\ MCKOIN, Rev. Forrester (I20587)
27407 | Rev. George W. Pope, son of James Pope, was born in England. He was ra ised in the Church o. f England, in fact, he was named after the famed p riest, George Whitefield, but he changed his faith to Baptist after he g ot to America where he was a minister for over fifty years, forty-five o f the years at Abbotts Creek, North Carolina. When George was only six y ears old, his parents came from England to settle in Philadelphia. Jame s died there and his widow moved south to Baltimore where she dwelled f or some time, finally moving to what is now Guilford Co. , NC and settl ing on Pole Cat Creek. The first account we have of Elder Pope as a preacher is found in the o ldest records extant of Abbotts Creek Chruch in 1783, when it seems tha t they were commencing a new book, where his name is entered as pastor. A h istory of the Liberty Baptist Association (By Elder Henry Sheets) on Pa ge 40, sketches the life of Elder George Whitefield Pope as being one o f the foremost in the service of the church--his work being mainly in R owan (now Davidson Co., NC) "He figured most conspicuously in the Old S andy Creek Association, but his work as pastor for more than thirty yea rs was with the old Abbotts Creek Church. Here he did a work, the exten t of which eternity alone can tell." When he was ordained is not known. It is probable that he was a member o f Buffalo, an arm of Abbotts Creek Church, when he came to Abbotts Cree k as pastor. About 1783, he purchased a farm midway between Thomasville and High Poi nt one mile north of the Southern Railway, on the Guilford side of the C ounty Line. George Pope is given on the 1790 census of Guilford Co., NC, with 1 mal e over 16 years including head of family, 6 males under 16 years of age , and 2 females. In 1795 George Pope purchases 272 acres in Guilford Co., NC from Isaac H iatt. From the McCubbins Collection - Rowan Co., NC Public Library -Salisbury , NC: Rowan Co., NC, b ook 27 page 152: An indenture from the heirs of t he deceased George Pope (who are Mary, Jesse , Charles, James, & Willia m Pope, John & Mary Chaplin, Phelees (Phebe) & Hugh McKaughan, on 6 Mar 1 818 to Isaac & Geo. Whd. Pope for 254 acres on Rich Fork of Abbott's Cr eek, for $160 .00, witnessed by Joseph & Benjamin Albertson, Isaac Glan don & Sherwood Kenneday, proved in a county court held at Lexington (No w the county seat of Davidson Co. where our courts too k examination of M ary (wife of John Chaplin) apart from her husband & proves on 5 Oct 181 9. T his land is a part of an old tract granted to Jacob & Joseph Wilso n by Gov. Samuel Johnston. Book 21 page 646: On 28 Nov 1798, George Pope of Guilford Co., NC gets 2 54 acres on Rich For k of Abbott's Creek, for $782.00 from Joseph Wilso n of Rowan Co., NC, witnessed by William Po pe & James Hopkins.(This ha d been granted by The State to Jacob & Joseph Wilson). History of Liberty Baptist Association , page 82: Morgan Edwards says t hat Shubert Stearns an d his company of sixteen Baptist (including hims elf and wife) came to Sandy Creek 14 Nov 1755 , and on the 22nd day of t he same month, Sandy Creek Church was Constituted. He further say s tha t in three years' time they had increased to three churches and 900 com municants. The fi rst church which sprang off was Abbott's Creek, the o ther. Deep River. Page 83: NC, Rowan Co., Jenevary ye 4 day, 1783: For the Baptist Church i n Abets Crick & afte r confession of faith, members are given with Geor ge Pope as pastor. From this time to Sep 18 13, George Pope was pastor, m aking about thirty-one years. Preached in a log house a few yard s east o f present church. Went to SC later. Commencing January 1783, he continued as pastor without any interruptio n till September 1813 , when he and his wife were granted letters of di smission. From The Descenants of Silas Peace: He was doubtless a man of mo re than ordinary power . The principles as believed and taught by Bapti sts very naturally inculcate liverty of consc ience in all matters of r eligion. He was, therefore, loyal to the American cause during the s tr uggle for independence. This naturally enough rendered him obnoxious to t he Tory element wh o thought that, inasmuch as he was born on English s oil, he ought to be true to King George . Men (who were afterwards foun d to be Torries) called at his home inquiring for him tellin g his wife t hat they desired Mr. Pope to meet them at a certain school house. He me t them pro mptly only to learn that they intended to kill him. He obtai ned permission to preach before t hem for "one last time". In the deliv ery of his sermon, which was one of great power, some we re convicted a nd all were more of less wrought upon. At the close of the sermon, they t old hi m to go home that they would never trouble him again." After Rev. George retired, he kept getting the visions to "go to Lynche s Creek and preach" . He was a man in his eighties and he wasn't inter ested in preaching anymore, and he didn' t know where Lynches Creek was s o he didn't pay any attention to the visions. His crops an d cattle st arted dying so he got on his knees and prayed, "God, what do you want m e to do? " An angel appeared and told him to go to Lynches Creek and p reach; so he saddled up his best pony and headed for parts unknown. La ndmarks in his dreams he had the night before showed him he was on the r ight road. After traveling several days, he came into a town that was h aving a revival so he decided to stop and attend. After everyone had s poken, he asked if h e could say a few words. He spoke with such vigor t hat after the meeting, a group of men cam e to him and asked if he woul d go to their town and preach. He asked them where they lived and they s aid, "down the road about five miles in a settlement called Lynches Cre ek". He was by that time in South Carolina. He was there until he die d five years later. This story i s on his monument in the church cemet ery the congregation erected in his honor. | POPE, Rev. George Whitefield (I149)
27408 | Rev. James Noyes married in Romsey, Hampshire, 21 March 1633/4 Sarah Browne, daughter of Joseph Browne. They came from Cholderton, Wiltshire to Massachusetts Bay in 1634 on the "Mary & John" (on 26 March 1634, "James Noyce" was enrolled at Southampton as a passenger for New England on the Mary & John). They first settled in Ipswich & moved to Newbury in 1635. They had nine children: Joseph, James, Sarah, Moses, Thomas, John, Rebecca Knight, William, & Sarah Hale. In her will of 28 June 1664, the widow of James Noyes mentioned "my brother Mr. James Browne's," who may have been the minister of that name at Portsmouth. James Noyes was brother of NICHOLAS NOYES. The two brothers were first cousins of THOMAS PARKER and fourh cousins of PETER NOYES . | BROWN, Sarah (I14366)
27409 | Rev. War Soldier, Company commanded by Wilhelmus (John) Philps, | MARSHALL, Enos Sr. (I46873)
27410 | Rev. War Veteran, Sgt, Capt. Joseph Chapin's Company of Minute-men, which marched on the alarm of 19 Apr 1775. A student at Princeton for a short while. | TAFT, Aaron (I61756)
27411 | Rev. William McKaughan/McCoin: born 18 April 1813, Rowan (now Guilford ) County, NC. He marr ied Elizabeth Piggott (Pickett), daughter of Wil liam Piggott and Elizabeth Welborn, 1 Augus t 1833, at Cane Creek, NC. E lizabeth was born 16 August 1814. In 1840, William McKaughan began his training as a Methodist Protestan t minister under the t utelage of the famed Alson Gray. On May 11 1841 , he was given his license to exhort (preach) . On October 28, 1843, h e was made a Deacon. On May 1, 1845, he was given authorization t o be come a circuit rider. On November 14, 1847, he was advanced to an Elde r. On may 22, 185 9, he was sent to Georgia. On February 28, 1864, he w as assigned the Holly Creek and Holly C reek churches in the Georgia di strict. The family lived about twenty miles from Atlanta. During "Sherman's ma rch to the Sea" a ride r on horseback came to inform them that Sherman w as headed their way and burning everything i n sight. Rev. William hur riedly hid his sons in different places on the plantation, in cas e som e were found and killed, the others might be saved. He hid his wife, b abies and daughte rs among the reeds and lily pads at the pond and he t ook his best horse, a horse is very impo rtant to a circuit rider, to a c lump of trees the farthest point from his family and hid fo r he was af raid the horse might whinny and attract the soldiers attention. The so ldiers came , took what they wanted and burned the rest. When they all a gain gathered, no one was hurt b ut about everything they owned was bur ned. Upon investigating, they found the iron frame an d wheels of thei r wagon were usable. They built a flatbed on the frame and it was that f latb ed and that horse Rev. William saved that brought them to Kansas. Rev William homesteaded near North Homer Creek in Greenwood County, Kan sas; however, he was n ot there long enough to clear his deed. Elizabe th, his wife, died 4 April 1869 and is burie d in what is now called th e Worley Cemetery, near North Homer Creek. His oldest daughter, Su san nah, and two older sons: Rev. Alpheus and William Alson, had married by t hen, however, the y followed their parents to KS. Rev. William married a ll the rest of the children but the tw o youngest, Serena and Julius Sp ate, while in Greenwood County. Julius was working away fro m home and s ince Serena was a teenager, after his wife's death, Rev. William did no t feel i t was safe to leave Serena alone while he was on his circuit, s o he transferred to Emporia, K ansas, where one of his older daughters l ived at the time. She would be able to take care o f Serena while he w as gone from home. One of the chapels he was in charge of in Lyon Coun ty , Kansas was the Fowler Chapel, about five miles southeast of Empori a. It was on the John Fo wler farm. John Fowler had a daughter, Sally , who had been widowed twice and had several sma ll children. Rev Will iam McCoin married Sally Fowler Gregory Parker 8 April 1872 in Emporia . H e helped raise her children. Rev. William died in Emporia 2 March 1895 . He is buried be side Sally in the Hunt-Fowler private Cemetery, loca ted on the Fowler farm southeast of Empor ia. His preaching assignment s in KS were: Virgil and Eureka before churches were built, Empo ria Mi ssion, Fowler Chapel, Crystal Plains and Neosho Rapids. We found Rev. William using the spelling McKaughan when doing business a t the courthouses i n North Carolina and Georgia; however, all his prea ching certificates are made out as McCoi n but the first one in Kansas. I t was McCaughan. During the time his first wife died and h e was marry ing his children, he was using the spelling McCaughan. Around 1870, he , and all h is remaining sons excluding Francis Newton, changed their n ames to McCoin. Kansas State Historical Society, Newspaper Department Emporia Gazette a weekly newspaper in Emporia, KS. Thursday, March 7, 1895 | MCKAUGHAN\ MCCOIN, Rev. William (I20598)
27412 | Rev. William Worcester came from England and was settled pastor of the church first gathered in Salisbury, Mass., sometime between the years 1638 and 1640. Although not conclusive, good and persuasive evidence exists to strongly suggest that he was the son of William Worcester, the vicar of Watford, Buckinghamshire, England, and was born October 5, 1595. (See Introduction) He matriculated at St. John's College (Cambridge University) in 1620. He was ordained deacon at Peterborough Cathedral on Dec. 21, 1622. He was made Vicar of Olney July 26, 1624 - which office he retained till 1636, when on account of refusing to comply with the command of his superiors to read to his congregation from the King's book those portions which allowed sports and recreations after service on the Lord's day, he was suspended from his office of Vicar. He came to America a year or two later. He and others petitioned the General Court of MA to establish a new settlement. The settlement was called Colchester and later renamed Salisbury. Here he continued in the ministry till his decease, Oct. 28, 1662. His grave in the old cemetery in Salisbury, is covered by a flat stone upon which a bronze tablet was placed June 21st, 1913, with the following inscription, - Here lies buried the body of Rev. William Worcester, the first minister of Salisbury, who came from England about 1639 and died 1662. This stone was laid on his grave to prevent disinterment by wolves. This tablet is affixed by his descendants, 1913. No production of his pen has been transmitted to posterity to indicate his intellectual character or attainments. Cotton Mather, in the Magnalia, enrolls his name in the list of the "reverend, learned and holy divines, arriving such from Europe to America, by whose evangelical ministry the churches in America have been illuminated." Johnson, in his "Wonder Working Providence," mistaking the name, speaks of the first minister of Salisbury, as, the "reverend and graciously godly M. Thomas Woster." And the General Court says in an Order in reference to the payment of his support, that "they of New Town (now Amesbury) should forebear to content themselves with private help, whilst the Lord pleases to continue so bright a star in their candlestick." We may easily believe him to have been a man of exalted piety, of strong intellectual fibre, of staunch devotion to the dictates of conscience, of loyalty to his friends, and interested in the affairs of state as well as of the church. These traits are not lacking in his descendants. It is worthy of note that as the generations of the family succeed each other, the clerical mantle of their worthy progenitor seems to descend as a direct heritage. | WORCESTER, Rev. William (I20686)
27413 | Revolutionary War soldier from RI | WOOD, Abner (I44821)
27414 | Revolutionary War Soldier, enlisted 1 Sep 1775 @ Chesterfield, MA | DAMON, Robert (I60978)
27415 | Revolutionary War soldier, killed in action at Cambridge, MA | PHELPS, Lt. Edward (I32750)
27416 | Revolutionary War soldier, Pvt., Cpt. Elijah Crooke's Company, Col. (Brig. Gen.) John Thomas's Regiment. | SOUTHWORTH, Theophilus (I26189)
27417 | Revolutionary War soldier, who responded to the call to arms at Lexington, MA. | RICE, Ithamar (I17589)
27418 | Revolutionary War soldier. | BALCOM, James (I34192)
27419 | Revolutionary War veteran | FRENCH, William (I129)
27420 | Revolutionary War Veteran | BRISTOL, Aaron (I966)
27421 | Revolutionary War Veteran | GIBSON, Reuben Jr. (I8596)
27422 | Revolutionary War Veteran | MCKEE, Robert (I19368)
27423 | Revolutionary War veteran | DAVIS, John I. (I38673)
27424 | Revolutionary War Veteran | COBB, Edward (I44471)
27425 | Revolutionary War Veteran | KENT, Ensign Samuel (I62713)
27426 | Revolutionary War Veteran | PARKER, Thomas Jesse (I63981)
27427 | Revolutionary War Veteran and Pensioner, Capt. Van Wie's Company, Colonel Hendrick Quackenboss, 5th Albany Regiment. They were engaged in the invasion of Quebec, seeing action at Fort George and the Battle of Valcour Island. He and his family moved to Canada to join the Loyalists there. | SAGER, Gerrit (I16914)
27428 | Revolutionary War veteran and pensioner. | MERRITT, William (I51707)
27429 | Revolutionary War Veteran, 1st Lieutenant, Capt. Joseph Warner, Jr.'s 15th (Plantation No. 5) co., 2d Hampshire Co. regt. of Mass. militia; list of officers chosen by the several companies in said regiment, as returned by Seth Pomeroy and others, field officers, dated Northampton, March 22, 1776; ordered in Council April 8, 1776, that said officers be commissioned; reported commissioned April 5 [?], 1776; also, Captain, Col. John Dickason's (Dickinson's) regt.; engaged July 19, 1777; discharged July 31, 1777; service, 15 days; company marched to Manchester on an alarm to join forces under Col. Warner; roll sworn to at Chesterfield; also, Lieutenant, Capt. William Ward's (Plantation No. 5) co., (late) Col. Ezra May's regt.; engaged Aug. 17, 1777; discharged Aug. 22, 1777; service, 5 days; company marched on an alarm at Bennington; also, Capt. Christopher Banister's co., Col. Ezra May's regt.; engaged Sept. 20, 1777; discharged Oct. 14, 1777; service, 29 days, on expedition to Stillwater and Saratoga, including travel (100 miles) home; also, Captain, Col. Israel Chapin's (2d Hampshire Co.) regt. of Mass. militia; list of officers; commissioned July 6, 1778. | HARWOOD, Capt. Nathan (I53816)
27430 | Revolutionary War Veteran, 1st Lt., Capt James Cobb, Jrs. 4th Co., 1st Lincoln Co. Regt., Mass, Militia. | SPRAGUE, Capt. William (I60456)
27431 | Revolutionary War Veteran, a Fifer, Capt Samuel B. Webb's 5th Co., 3rd CT Regiment | COLE, Jabez (I60451)
27432 | Revolutionary War Veteran, Capt and Col. | HUBBARD, Joseph (I63771)
27433 | Revolutionary War Veteran, Capt. Child's Co, 25th Regt | JACKSON, Lt. Col. Edmond Jr. (I9368)
27434 | Revolutionary War Veteran, Corp. Capt Timothy Langdon's Co.; Capt. Israel Davis's Co., Col. Joseph Fry's Regt. | ALLEY, Joshua (I58074)
27435 | Revolutionary War Veteran, Corporal, Capt. James Hatch's Co. of Minutemen, which marched on the alarm of Apr 19, 1775, from West Parish in Pembroke to Scituate and Marshfield; discharged Apr 29, 1775; service 11 days; also, Pvt. Capt. Thomas Turner's Co. of Minutemen, Col. John Baley's Regt. ; pay abstract for milage, ste. dated Jan. 19, 1776; reported encampted with Brig. Gen Thomas' Brigade. | CROOKER, Daniel S. (I14294)
27436 | Revolutionary War veteran, member of Capt. James Milk's company of militia. It is said that 3 of his sons went out fishing and never returned. Their fate and names unknown. | TIBBETTS\TABBUTT, Joseph (I18044)
27437 | Revolutionary War Veteran, member of the Second Company, which marched from Stoughton, on the alarm of Apr 19 1775. | FARRINGTON, Jonathan Abel (I14898)
27438 | Revolutionary War Veteran, Minuteman, Capt. John Parker's Co at Lexington, 19 Apr 1775. | BLODGETT, Timothy (I10401)
27439 | Revolutionary War Veteran, Private, Capt. John Mills' Company, Col. Charles Webb's Regiment. | CLARK, Zepheniah (I31630)
27440 | Revolutionary War Veteran, Pvt, Connecticut Line | REYNOLDS, Eliphalet (I54346)
27441 | Revolutionary War Veteran, Pvt, Cpt. John Noxon's Co., Capt. Abijah Pierce's Regt. of Minute Men. Served 5 days in 1775. | MAYNARD, William (I57544)
27442 | Revolutionary War Veteran, Pvt, served in New London, CT | BENNETT, Ebenezer (I55273)
27443 | Revolutionary War Veteran, Pvt. | JOHNSON, Caleb (I51070)
27444 | Revolutionary War Veteran, Pvt. 10th Plymouth Co. He served one month, 15 days. | SOUTHWORTH, Lemuel (I26190)
27445 | Revolutionary War Veteran, Pvt., Capt James Endicott's company, Col William McIntosh's regiment. Served in 1775, 1778, and 1782. | BAKER, Elijah (I8639)
27446 | Revolutionary War Veteran, See p 577, Brewster Gen. | TILDEN, Nathaniel (I14890)
27447 | Revolutionary War Veteran. | NASH, Joseph Jr. (I1524)
27448 | Revolutionary War Veteran. | HAYNES, Lt. Joshua Sr. (I22970)
27449 | Richard A. Puffer was living in Phoenix, Arizona when his father Richar d Puffer passed away in Lakeland Florida in November of 1988 and when h is mother, Eva, passed away in 1993 -- MERGED NOTE ------------ Richard A. Puffer was living in Phoenix, Arizona when his father Richard Puffer passed away in Lakeland Florida in November of 1988 and when his mother, Eva, passed away in 1993 | PUFFER, Richard A. (I3530)
27450 | Richard Warren appears to have been a merchant, who resided in London, and became associated with the Pilgrims and the Mayflower through the Merchant Adventurers. Richard Warren participated in several of the early explorations made by the Pilgrims in 1620, while looking for a place to settle. He appears by land records to have been fairly well-to-do. He was not a member of the church. He came over on the Mayflower, he left behind his wife and five daughters, planning to have them sent over after things were more settled in the Colony. His wife and daughters arrived in America in 1623, on the ship Anne. As should be plainly obvious, there were many Richard Warrens in England. If the true Richard Warren is ever identified, it will almost certainly be because the baptisms of his five daughters which should be somewhere in England. There are a few other small clues which may aid researchers looking for records. First, early Charlestown settler Ralph Spague married Joanna Warren, daughter of a Richard Warren from Fordington St. George, Dorset. This Richard Warren died in Fordington, Dorset before 1638. And early Watertown settler John Warren was baptized in Nayland, Suffolk, England in 1585, and he apparently had an uncle named Richard Warren. The only concrete things we know about Richard Warren's ancestry are that he was a merchant of London--whether he was born there or not is an entirely different question. We also know that his wife was named Elizabeth. He had five daughters baptized in England somewhere, and perhaps the true records will some day be brought to light. More erroneous information has been published about Richard Warren than any other Mayflower passenger, probably because he has so many descendants (note that all seven of his children grew up and married). It is time here to debunk many of the mistakes that have been published over the past hundred years. Richard Warren's English origins and ancestry have been the subject of much speculation, and countless different ancestries have been published for him, without a shred of evidence to support them. Luckily in December 2002, Edward Davies discovered the missing piece of the puzzle. Researchers had long known of the marriage of Richard Warren to Elizabeth Walker on 14 April 1610 at Great Amwell, Hertford. Since we know the Mayflower passenger had a wife named Elizabeth, and a first child born about 1610, this was a promising record. But no children were found for this couple in the parish registers, and no further evidence beyond the names and timing, until the will of Augustine Walker was discovered. In the will of Augustine Walker, dated April 1613, he mentions "my daughter Elizabeth Warren wife of Richard Warren", and "her three children Mary, Ann and Sarah." We know that the Mayflower passenger's first three children were named Mary, Ann, and Sarah (in that birth order). | WARREN, Richard MAYFLOWER (I13801)
27451 | Richard was the eighth King of England of the House of Plantagenet. He ruled from 1377 until he was deposed in 1399. Richard was a son of Edward, the Black Prince and was born during the reign of his grandfather, Edward III. At the age of four, Richard became second in line to the throne when his older brother Edward of Angoul'eame died, and heir apparent when his father died in 1376. With Edward III's death the following year , Richard succeeded to the throne at the age of ten. In 1399, after his uncle, John of Gaunt died, the king disinherited Gaunt's son, Henry of Bolingbroke, who had previously been exiled (to France). Henry invaded England in June 1399 with a small force that quickly grew in numbers. Claiming initially that his goal was only to reclaim his patrimony, it soon became clear that he intended to claim the throne for himself. Meeting little resistance, Bolingbroke deposed Richard and had himself crowned as King Henry IV. Richard died in captivity early the next year, probably murdered. One account has him dead of starvation and thirst. As an individual, Richard was tall, good-looking and intelligent. Though probably not insane, as earlier historians used to believe, he seems to have suffered from certain personality disorders, especially towards the end of his reign. Less of a warrior than either his father or grandfather, he sought to bring an end to the Hundred Years War that Edward III had started. He was a firm believer in the royal prerogative, something which led him to restrain the power of his nobility, and rely on a private retinue for military protection instead. He also cultivated a courtly atmosphere where the king was an elevated figure, and art and culture were at the centre, in contrast to the fraternal, martial court of his grandfather. Richard's posthumous reputation has to a large extent been shaped by Shakespeare, whose play Richard II portrayed Richard's misrule and Bolingbroke's deposition as responsible for the fifteenth-century Wars of the Roses. Contemporary historians do not accept this interpretation, while not thereby exonerating Richard from responsibility for his own deposition. Most authorities agree that, even though his pol cies were not unprecedented or entirely unrealistic, the way in which he carried them out was unacceptable to the political establishment, and this led to his downfall. | PLANTAGENET, Richard II King of England (I17006)
27452 | Roman general and statesman. He had held the office of consul twice, as well as that of dictator. | FELIX, Lucius Cornelius (I3544)
27453 | Ronald married a woman named Mary Selma Puffer whom he had hired while in prison as a journalistic researcher for his writing. They lived in a cabin on a lake in Oregon during the summers, and in the winter they lived in Florida. Mr. Finney continued to make a legitimate income through writing for trade journals. She was a teacher at Courville School, Detroit, MI. -- MERGED NOTE ------------ Ronald Tucker Finney married a woman named Mary Selma Puffer whom he had hired while in prison as a journalistic researcher for his writing. They lived in a cabin on a lake in Oregon during the summers, and in the winter they lived in Florida. Mr. Finney continued to make a legitimate income through writing for trade journals. She was a teacher at Courville School, Detroit, MI. Selma Carlson Puffer attended the University of Michigan after her husband's (Henry G. Puffer) untimely death. She obtained an A.B.Ed. ss,grad (Latin). She lived in Detroit, Michigan during this time. | CARLSON, Selma May (I8373)
27454 | Ronald R. Puffer, a Fellow of the Society, died on July 3, 1984, after a long bout with cancer. Mr. Puffer was graduated from the University of Northern IA where he received his degrees in mathematics and in secondary education. He then served with the United States Army near Saigon in Vietnam with the rank of Specialist E-5. He taught mathematics in various IA schools until 1971, when he entered the University of IA, where he received his Master of Science degree in actuarial science. In 1973, Mr. Puffer went to work for United of Omaha as an actuarial technician. At the time of his death, he was vice president and actuary in the life actuarial division of that company. Mr. Puffer was also a member of the American Academy of Actuaries, the Presbyterian Church, and the American Legion. He is survived by his wife, Carol Ann, and two daughters. His son predeceased Mr. Puffer in 1979. | PUFFER, Ronald Ray (I12174)
27455 | Rose (Tante Rosa) came to the US on board the S.S. Yorck on June 15, 19 22. She was 21 and listed her occupation as cook. She listed her last p ermanent residence as Hausdorf, 426 Kr. Neurode Schles. Parents: A Ric hter, Berlin SO 16. Her uncle paid her way to the US. She had $30 in h er pocket. She listed her Uncle Reinhold Bittner, 113 E. 118th Street, N YC as her destination. She listed "uncertain' as the length of time sh e was going to stay in the US. She was 5'2" tall fair complection, dar k hair and green eyes. She lists Volpersdorf as her birth place. She returned to the US on the S.S. Bremen on Oct 20, 1924. She listed h er age as 24, and her occupation as Housekeeper. She listed her father , August in Hausdorf,/Schles. as her contact in Germany. Her destinati on was NYC. She lists "Uncle Reinhold Bittner, 1337 3rd Avenue, NYC as h er contact in NYC. She was 5'7" with fair complextion, dark hair, gree n eyes. She lists Volpersdorf/Schles. as her birth place. She returned to the US on March 22, 1926 on the S.S. Albert Ballin. Sh e listed her occupation as domestic servant. She listed a friend Paul R einhardt, 240 E. 83rd Street, NYC as her closes relative or friend. She returned to Germany and returned to the US on 30 September, 1928 on t he S.S. Hamburg. She listed her occupation as 'cook' at that time. Sh e was returning to her 'own home" at 1889 E. I. Avenue. She returned to the US once again on Jan 23, 1931 aboard the S.S. Hambu rg. She lists her occupation as "sales lady" and lists her brother Aug ust Prause 226 E. 85th Street, NYC as her destination She returned once again to the US on July 23, 1951 on the S.S. Washingt on from Le Havre, France. She lists her address as Box 115, Sharon, CT . | PRAUSE, Rosalie (I9079)
27456 | Royal Rifles of Canada, POW, Hong Kong. He was awarded the Military Cross for “great courage, dash, coolness and leadership” for covering the withdrawal of his heavily outnumbered men attempting to clear the Japanese from Mount Parker. He was taken prisoner and suffered from starvation and beriberi. He was wounded, but returned to Canada to marry, progress to the rank of captain, and start a family before dying of polio in 1955. | BLAVER, Capt. Collison Alexander (I32582)
27457 | Russell G. Puffer, 52 of R. 2, Kalkaska, died at his residence Wednesday. Born to Lloyd and Ruth (Ehl) Puffer in Kalkaska County on May 11, 1923, he was united in marriage to the former Lotus Angell at Dowagiac on March 25, 1942. He was a lifelong resident of the Kalkaska area, a member of the Dowagian Methodist Church, a veteran of WWII and member of the VFW. Surviving him are his wife, Lotus; a daughter, Mrs. Charlotte Jennings of Oregon; a brogher, Guy Puffer of Buchanan; two sisters, Mrs. Oscao (Barbara) Dean of Port Huron and Mrs. Louis (Phyllis) Cervone of St. Clair Shores; five grandchildren; and several nieces, nephews, and cousins. The funeral will be at 2 p.m. Saturday at the Schwartz-Wolfe Funeral Home in Kalkaska. Vernon Lockard of the Spencer Church of Christ will officiate; burial will be at Lodi Cemetery, Kalkaska County. Friends may call at the funeral home. Memorial contributions may be directed to the Michigan Heart Fund; envelopes are available at the funeral home. Published in the Traverse City Record Eagle, April 16, 1976. | PUFFER, Russell Gordon (I15996)
27458 | Rutland (VT) Courier 7-9-1858 Married: in Rutland, 7/5, by Rev. Mr. Aiken, Mr. Ethan H. Puffer, and Miss Clarissa A. Titus, both of Clarendon | BINGHAM, Clarissa Alvira (I5598)
27459 | Rutland (VT) Courier 7-9-1858 Married: in Rutland, 7/5, by Rev. Mr. Aiken, Mr. Ethan H. Puffer, and Miss Clarissa A. Titus, both of Clarendon | BINGHAM, Clarissa Alvira (I69581)
27460 | RYCKMAN, VERA MAY at the Crown Ridge Place Nursing Home, Trenton on Thursday, April 28th, 2011, age 88 years. Vera Ryckman of Brighton, daughter of the late Walter Puffer and the late Myrtle (Dingman). Beloved wife of the late Russell Mervin Ryckman. Loving mother of Bill Ryckman and his wife Susan, Carolyn and her husband Ron Dale, all of Brighton, Linda Charbonneau and Joe Barber of Brampton, and Michael Ryckman and his wife Ellen of Brighton. Dear sister of Helen Chard of Hamilton and Jim Puffer of Toronto. Sadly missed by her nine grandchildren and her twelve great grandchildren. The family will receive friends at the Walas Funeral Home, 130 Main Street, Brighton Saturday from 1 oclock. Service in the funeral home on Saturday, April 30th, 2011 at 2 oclock. Interment Mount Evergreen Cemetery. Trenton. As an expression of sympathy, donations to the Heart and Stroke Foundation, would be appreciated by the family.www.rushnellfamilyservices.com | PUFFER, Vera May (I6721)
27461 | Sailed aboard the SS Kroonland, from Antwerp, Belgium. | HOBLER, Mauriz (I39273)
27462 | Sailed aboard the SS Vaderland, from Antwerp, Belgium | PUFFER, Anna (I39272)
27463 | Sailed from Plymouth, England Mar 20, 1630, and arrived at Nantasket, M ay 30, 1630 aboard the ship, Mary and John, Capt. Squeb, commanding. | CLAPP, Capt. Roger (I15496)
27464 | Sailed from Southampton, England, with their neighbor, John Winthrop, Governor of the Massachsetts Bay Company, on his flagship "ARBELLA". They landed at Salem, MA on June 14, 1630 and became a founding family of America. | POND, Sir Robert (I689)
27465 | Sailor; came from England to Damariscotta, thence to Roque Island, to Machias, to Chandler River [Jonesboro], and finally, before 1780, to Jonesport ["Early Jonesboro Families," p. 95]. | CUMMINGS, Francis (I11346)
27466 | Saint Joseph New Cemetery | HAGGERTY, Mary Cecilia (I49157)
27467 | Salesman many years for Lamson & Hubbard, Boston. | STONE, George Thomas (I6105)
27468 | Samuel built a small house down south of the Epping road, leading over t he Epping plains. After he got a farm cleared he built a house and bar n up on the said road. it was near the Hollis J. Leighton house. He h ad nine children. This GEDCOM is generated by The Master Genealogist (TMG). Care must be e xercised in using these data; it is a "work in progress." | LEIGHTON, Isaac (I36901)
27469 | Samuel is put here with Benjamin and Abigail because he fits into the time period according to the earliest Federal Censuses. There is no proof he was their son. This family has plagued me for years. I have Samuel as son of Benjamin and Abigail Tucker because they are the only family that fit the time period and location for him. He was unconnected to parents for years. His 'parents' never appear in TN, so it is assumed he made the journey before 1820, where we first see him in the census records of Maury County, TN (Maury County TN Census, then the 1820 Fed Census). I have a marriage date to Susan Eagan (to further confuse the issue she is clearly written as "Susan Agree" in the marriage records for Maury County (TN Marriages 1780-2002). It's also curious that there is no record of the solemnizing of the marriage, just the license. Were they ever married? Who can tell. It's possible that Samuel and Susan were never really married and had 3 children in as many years. Something happened to cause them to split and Samuel married Elizabeth Duff and had Edwin and Susan. It's also possible that he was married to both (we're talking Tennessee here) :) The Wilshier children: The 1860 Federal Census shows them living with John and Martha Gray Puffer. It's unknown if they were adopted or were foster-children. I've included them as a possible adoption after 1860. | PUFFER, Samuel (I1889)
27470 | Samuel Puffer of Sunderland was the executor of his estate.. The Recorder, Greenfield, MA, 26 Feb 1833. | BAKER, Elkanah Jr. (I33083)
27471 | Samuel resided in Columbia Falls,1790-1800, in Lubec,1806-1811+, in Columbia,(Saco Section) 1820-1830+. Samuel served in the American Revolution from Gouldsborough. He enlisted as a Private in Capt. Rueben Dyer's Co. from May 26th to July 23rd,1777 for an expedition to St. Johns, N.S. He also served in Capt. Samuel Libby's Co. in a detachment from Col. Benjamin Foster's Regt. from September 2, to October 6, 1777 for service at Machias when British Ships lay in the Harbor. Samuel and his wife, Esther (Leighton) Tucker, were residing in Columbia in 1840 with their son, Justus and his family. Facts about this person: Event 1 1811 In Lubec,ailey's Mistake Event 2 May 26, 1777 Enlisted in Capt. Reuben Dyer's Company Event 3 July 23, 1777 Discharged-Expedition to St Johns, N.S. | TUCKER, Samuel (I36919)
27472 | Samuel was brought up in the house of his grandfather, Rev. Thomas Hooker. He settled at Rowley, MA. | SHEPARD, Rev. Samuel (I13983)
27473 | Sarah was accused of witchcraft and put in prison but later let go. She pressed charges and was given three sovereigns, one for each of the three sisters accused.) A movie was made about these trials, called "THREE SOVERIGNS FOR SARAH". Another story says she escaped from prison before she could be hanged. | TOWNE, Sarah (I5483)
27474 | School teacher | PUFFER, Hattie Houdon (I14706)
27475 | School teacher, Belleville | AUSTIN, Lillian Edna (I22119)
27476 | Scotland also listed as birth place. | CHENEY, John (I23332)
27477 | Sec A Row 32 Plot 10 | CUDLIPP, Alice Maud (I24592)
27478 | Sec A Row 32 Plot 10 | PUFFER, Charles Alfred (I24593)
27479 | Sec Y 24 16 | PUFFER, Ralph Alexander (I40936)
27480 | second husband, Benjamin Brown, resided at New Ipswich, NH. | PUFFER, Achsah (I18373)
27481 | Secretary at a laundromat. (The birth date is off by a few years). | MACSHEFFREY, Florence J. (I32769)
27482 | Section 10, lot 4634 | BUTTRICK, Ella (I8163)
27483 | Section 10, lot 4634 | PUFFER, Frederick Collamore (I36021)
27484 | Section 10, lot 4634 | BUTTRICK, Ella (I72129)
27485 | Section 11, Site 360 | PUFFER, Capt. Charles Edwin (I21294)
27486 | Section 11, Site 360 N. H. | WEIGEL, Beatrice Minerva (I35211)
27487 | Section 14, Site 1367 | PUFFER, Allan Harley (I13810)
27488 | Section 15, Plot 247 | PUFFER, Michael Andrew (I24419)
27489 | Section 15, Site 329 | PUFFER, Ormand Sherman (I7495)
27490 | Section 22, Plot 2546 | PLEFKEY, Shirley Ann (I24033)
27491 | Section 22, Site 818 | PUFFER, Gerald Harold (I9724)
27492 | Section 2a, Plot 803 | PUFFER, Daniel Roy (I35987)
27493 | Section 2a, Plot 803 | PUFFER, Daniel Roy (I35987)
27494 | Section 34c, plot 343 | PUFFER, Eugene Arthur (I40559)
27495 | Section 4 Lot 234 Grave 70 | PUFFER, Claude Fred (I35901)
27496 | Section 51a, Plot 95 | PUFFER, Charles Robert (I18755)
27497 | Section 6, Row 1, Site 9 | PUFFER, Capt. Alfred Edson (I5688)
27498 | Section 7, Site 44 | PUFFER, Clayton Linville (I7474)
27499 | Section A Con, Site 2 | PUFFER, Cpl. Joseph Howe Jr. (I18000)
27500 | Section A, Site 134 | PUFFER, Hale Lincoln (I35929)
27501 | Section A, Site 290 | PUFFER, Sgt. Charles H. (I21298)
27502 | Section A-25, Site 6731 | PUFFER, Robert Emmet (I7493)
27503 | Section C, Site 805 | PUFFER, Harold James (I32850)
27504 | Section C-115, Row E, Plot 11 | PUFFER, Edward Allen Sr. (I1235)
27505 | Section C-7, Row C, Plot 2 | PUFFER, Harold Vernon (I21838)
27506 | Section C., Site 609 | PUFFER, Charles Francis (I9559)
27507 | Section Col-1, Row E, plot 17-B | PUFFER, Leonard James (I15261)
27508 | Section Col-1, Row E, Plot 17-B | REITH, Jane Lindley (I41752)
27509 | Section H, Site 11975 | PUFFER, Pvt. Elliott David (I35389)
27510 | Section H, Site 1685 | PUFFER, Walter Wales (I23891)
27511 | Section H, Site 1686 | PLOOF, Gladys Marie (I23890)
27512 | Section I, Site 918 | GLENN, Leo Ross (I40762)
27513 | Section J, Site 4092 | PUFFER, William Edward (I18793)
27514 | Section KK, Plot 325 | ROBINSON, Kathryn Lucille (I9417)
27515 | Section N3, Site 1357 | PUFFER, Maurice Ronald (I2053)
27516 | Section PG11 Row 6 Grave 20 | PUFFER, Cora V. (I24673)
27517 | Section T, Site 3291 | PUFFER, Ryland Caleb (I9815)
27518 | Section T, Site 3291 | SUMMERS, Mary Frances (I34487)
27519 | Section U, Site 1296 Originally slated to be buried in the same grave as her husband. | MUNGER, Nianna Josephine (I4415)
27520 | Section U, Site 1296 | PUFFER, William Bryden (I4416)
27521 | See "A History of Western MA, 1636-1925" for an extensive review of Mr. Parker. He was a MA state legislator and was the 38th mayor of Springfield, MA | PARKER, Fordis Clifford (I18216)
27522 | See #187 in Puffer Gen. | WALKER, Nancy (I5206)
27523 | See Chandler and Tremaine Genealogies. | CHANDLER, Sarah (I18825)
27524 | see Drake Genealogy, p. 91 | DRAKE, James (I21323)
27525 | See Gisbson Geanealogy | GIBSON, Sarah (I15242)
27526 | See Merriam Gen. | MERRIAM, William (I23648)
27527 | See Noyes Gen., II, p. 63.) | NOYES, Mary Ann (I32721)
27528 | See Page 735 Abbot Genealogy. He was a farmer in Waltham, MA. | ABBOTT, Cyrus (I19195)
27529 | See Reuben G. Puffer | JOHNSON, Caroline Elizabeth (I23259)
27530 | Selected U.S. Naturalization Records, Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration | Source (S315)
27531 | Separated at the time of their daughter's death. | Family: PUFFER, Donald Marshall / ROMIGLIO, Maria Helena (F8237)
27532 | September 24th, 1675, the dwelling-house of John Tozier was attacked. It was situated one hundred and fifty rods above the mills and garrison at Salmon Falls. Tozier and sixteen men in the neighborhood had gone with Wincoln, captain of the town company, to defend or relieve the distressed inhabitants of Saco, and left his household unguarded, consisting of fifteen persons, all women and children. The attack was led on by Andrew, of Saco, and Hopehood, of Kennebec, two of the bravest warriors in their tribes. Their approach was first discovered by a young girl of eighteen years, who shut the door and held it fast until it was cut in pieces with their hatchets, and the family had escaped. Madly disappointed by finding the house empty, they inflicted repeated blows upon the heroic maid until she was apparently expiring. They pursued the family, overtook two children; one three years old being too young to travel they at once dispatched, the other they kept six months. The young heroine revived after their departure, went to the garrison, and was healed of her wounds and lived many years. The next day a large party set fire to the dwelling-house and buildings of Captain Wincoln, which stood near the upper mills, and reduced them and their contents to ashes. They were followed closely by the men from the garrison until darkness put an end to their pursuit. The next morning they appeared upon the western side of the river, fired several shots across at the laborers who were working in the mill, calling them English dogs and cowards. October 16th 1675, they assailed the house of Richard Tozier, killed him and carried his son into captivity. Lieut. Roger Plaisted, the commander of the garrison, who was an officer of true courage and a man of public spirit, having full view of the massacre, about one hundred and fifty rods distant, sent out nine of his best men to reconnoitre the movements of the enemy, and falling into ambush, three were shot down, the others escaped with difficulty. A letter addressed to two gentlemen at Dover communicates the distresses of the place. "To Richard Waldron and Lieut. Coffin: These are to inform you that the Indians are just now engaging us with at least one hundred men, and have already slain four of our men, Richard Tozier, James Berry, Isaac Bottes, and Tozier's son, and burnt Benoni Hodsdon's house. Sirs, if ever you have any love for us, show yourselves with men to help us, or else we are in great danger of being slain, unless our God wonderfully appears for our deliverance. They that cannot fight, let them pray. Roger Plaisted, George Broughton." To bring in for interment the bodies of his slain companions, Plaisted ordered a team, and led twenty of his best men in the field; placing first the body of Tozier, which was most remote, in the cart, they returned to take the others, when a party of one hundred and fifty savages, rising from behind a stone wall amidst logs and bushes, fired a well-directed volley upon the soldiers, and pursued the assault. The oxen took flight and ran to the garrison. The engagement instantly became fierce but unequal. Plaisted and his men withdrew a few paces to a more eligible spot of ground, and being greatly overmatched the most of his men returned, but he disdaining either to fly or yield, though urged again and again to surrender, fought with desperate courage until literally hewn down by the enemy's hatchets. A fellow-soldier and Plaisted's oldest son, unwilling to leave their intrepid leader, sought their retreat too late, and were slain. Another son a few weeks after died of his wounds. Such was the fate of this Spartan family, whose intrepidity deserves a monument more durable than marble. Roger Plaisted had four years represented Kittery in the General Court, was highly respected for his uncommon valor, worth, and piety. He and his son were buried on his own land near the battle ground, on the old road from Great Falls to South Berwick. The lettered tomb of this Christian patriot is now displaced and neglected, but as the place has recently fallen into the hands of Ex-Gov. Goodwin, of New Hampshire, a native of Berwick, his liberality and patriotism will not allow it longer to be neglected. The Richard Tozier Garrison was on the place now occupied by John Spencer, Esq. Not withstanding Berwick had suffered so much during the King Philip War, it had so revived that at the commencement of the King William and Mary War, 1690, it contained twenty-seven houses. September 24th, 1675, the dwelling-house of John Tozier was attacked. It was situated one hundred and fifty rods above the mills and garrison at Salmon Falls. Tozier and sixteen men in the neighborhood had gone with Wincoln, captain of the town company, to defend or relieve the distressed inhabitants of Saco, and left his household unguarded, consisting of fifteen persons, all women and children. The attack was led on by Andrew, of Saco, and Hopehood, of Kennebec, two of the bravest warriors in their tribes. Their approach was first discovered by a young girl of eighteen years, who shut the door and held it fast until it was cut in pieces with their hatchets, and the family had escaped. Madly disappointed by finding the house empty, they inflicted repeated blows upon the heroic maid until she was apparently expiring. They pursued the family, overtook two children; one three years old being too young to travel they at once dispatched, the other they kept six months. The young heroine revived after their departure, went to the garrison, and was healed of her wounds and lived many years. The next day a large party set fire to the dwelling-house and buildings of Captain Wincoln, which stood near the upper mills, and reduced them and their contents to ashes. They were followed closely by the men from the garrison until darkness put an end to their pursuit. The next morning they appeared upon the western side of the river, fired several shots across at the laborers who were working in the mill, calling them English dogs and cowards. October 16th 1675, they assailed the house of Richard Tozier, killed him and carried his son into captivity. Lieut. Roger Plaisted, the commander of the garrison, who was an officer of true courage and a man of public spirit, having full view of the massacre, about one hundred and fifty rods distant, sent out nine of his best men to reconnoitre the movements of the enemy, and falling into ambush, three were shot down, the others escaped with difficulty. A letter addressed to two gentlemen at Dover communicates the distresses of the place. "To Richard Waldron and Lieut. Coffin: These are to inform you that the Indians are just now engaging us with at least one hundred men, and have already slain four of our men, Richard Tozier, James Berry, Isaac Bottes, and Tozier's son, and burnt Benoni Hodsdon's house. Sirs, if ever you have any love for us, show yourselves with men to help us, or else we are in great danger of being slain, unless our God wonderfully appears for our deliverance. They that cannot fight, let them pray. Roger Plaisted, George Broughton." To bring in for interment the bodies of his slain companions, Plaisted ordered a team, and led twenty of his best men in the field; placing first the body of Tozier, which was most remote, in the cart, they returned to take the others, when a party of one hundred and fifty savages, rising from behind a stone wall amidst logs and bushes, fired a well-directed volley upon the soldiers, and pursued the assault. The oxen took flight and ran to the garrison. The engagement instantly became fierce but unequal. Plaisted and his men withdrew a few paces to a more eligible spot of ground, and being greatly overmatched the most of his men returned, but he disdaining either to fly or yield, though urged again and again to surrender, fought with desperate courage until literally hewn down by the enemy's hatchets. A fellow-soldier and Plaisted's oldest son, unwilling to leave their intrepid leader, sought their retreat too late, and were slain. Another son a few weeks after died of his wounds. Such was the fate of this Spartan family, whose intrepidity deserves a monument more durable than marble. Roger Plaisted had four years represented Kittery in the General Court, was highly respected for his uncommon valor, worth, and piety. He and his son were buried on his own land near the battle ground, on the old road from Great Falls to South Berwick. The lettered tomb of this Christian patriot is now displaced and neglected, but as the place has recently fallen into the hands of Ex-Gov. Goodwin, of New Hampshire, a native of Berwick, his liberality and patriotism will not allow it longer to be neglected. The Richard Tozier Garrison was on the place now occupied by John Spencer, Esq. Not withstanding Berwick had suffered so much during the King Philip War, it had so revived that at the commencement of the King William and Mary War, 1690, it contained twenty-seven houses. From The Atlas of York County, Maine (1872), P. 121, by William Lord | TOZIER, Richard (I47317)
27533 | Sergeant in the cadets, Brighton High School, class of 1916. | NUTT, Roger Wolcott (I18803)
27534 | Served 22 months in the Civil War in 3rd Vt. Battery. | ROGERS, Hiram Edgar (I13672)
27535 | Served as a Lieutenant in the Medway, MA militia. | HARDING, Lt. Abraham (I18323)
27536 | Served as a member of 3rd Sq., 1st Military Co. of Taunton in 1682. | FRENCH, Nathaniel (I13245)
27537 | Served as a Minute Man in Capt. John Nutting's company, Col. Prescott's Massachusetts regiment, at the Lexington Alarm. His will, in 1822, named his wife, Sarah (Puffer) as Executrix is recorded in Book 2, pages 99,100, and 101, in the County of Cheshire, VT. -- MERGED NOTE ------------ Served as a Minute Man in Capt. John Nutting's company, Col. Prescott's Massachusetts regiment, at the Lexington Alarm. | LAWRENCE, Martin (I39320)
27538 | Served as corporal and sergeant. | TINKHAM, John III Esq. (I11147)
27539 | Served as deacon in the Congregational church of Taunton many years. | MACOMBER, Nathaniel (I18237)
27540 | Served as Lieut. under Capt. Peter Porter and Col. John Brown, Massachusetts troops. | CHAMBERLAIN, Lt. Benjamin (I36291)
27541 | Served as maid servant to elder John Winthrop. A letter from Thomas Go stlin to John Winthrop, Jr., written from Groton on Jun. 11, 1633, indi cates "she is one of the goodman French's daughters of Assington. I hav e sent two of them, one for your father and the other for you. Your fat her must take his choice. The eldest must serve for 3 years, and the yo ungest 4...pray let them be delt as well with all as any of the same qu ality." | FRENCH, Dorcas (I18399)
27542 | Served during the War of 1812, in the Mass. Militia, in Capt. Enos Goss's Company | TUCKER, Daniel Small (I52712)
27543 | Served in an IL regiment in the Civil War, enlisting at Chemung. Capt. of Co. G, 143rd Illinois Infantry. | BILLINGS, Capt. William Gould (I21133)
27544 | Served in Capt. Dyer's Company during Revolutionary War. Facts about this person: Event 1 October 14, 1777 Enlisted Capt Rueben Dyer's Co for expedition to St Johns,NS Event 2 December 06, 1777 Discharged after service at Machias- Private | SMALL, Ebenezer (I8977)
27545 | Served in Civil War, Sept 17, 1862 to July 3, 1863, Co. H. 43d Regt., M .V.M. According to the 1920 Federal Census he was living at Everett, MA with h is wife Eliza and sister Mary. | EVANS, Franklin Stetson (I14701)
27546 | Served in Revolutionary War as Private 1777-78 in Arty Co w/Capt Dyer and Capt West in Col. John Allan's Regiment, moved by 1784 from Pleasant River to Bangor. | ALLEN, Abraham (I22786)
27547 | Served in the Aroostook War. | TIBBETTS, Otis Smith (I36580)
27548 | Served in the Civil War in the 4th NH Infantry Regt. | MARDEN, Lemuel (I5962)
27549 | Served in the French and Indian War in Capt. Josiah Richardson's company (second Sudbury) | PUFFER, John (I34051)
27550 | Served in the Revolution | NUTT, William (I15511)
27551 | Served in the Revolution. | NUTT, Samuel (I15513)
27552 | Served in the revolution. | MANNING, Dr. John Jr. (I18033)
27553 | Served in the siege of Plattsburg, NY during the War of 1812 and was awarded a medal by the US Congress for conspicuous gallantry in action. He was one "of about 30 boys, all between the ages of 16 and 21, who offered their services to the government, were accepted and they were enlisted for the full term of the war of 1812. During the seige of Plattsburgh, on the 11th of Sept, 1814, Ethan Everest was wounded in the leg by a British musket ball, which was never extracted, and the patriot carried it to his grave. The patriotism of these boys (Aiken's Volunteers), and their excellent service to their country, was so highly appreciated that Congress passed a vote of thanks to them, and ordered that each survivor be given a gun, into the stock of which was inlaid a silver plate handsomely engraved and which, in this case, bore the following legend: "By resolve of Congress, presented to Ethan Everest, for his gallantry at the siege of Plattsburgh." On a smaller plated, shield shaped, about the size of a silver half dollar, right behind the hammer of the lock, near where the hand grasps the stock, is engraved the date of the wound mentioned above as follows: "September 11, 1814". Military History and Reminiscences of the 13th Regiment of Illinois, page 572. After the death of Viney in 1862, Ethan moved from Minnesota to Atchison, Kansas to live with his son, Robert Ransom Everest. | EVEREST, Ethan Allen (I41537)
27554 | Served in the U.S. Army, 101st Airborne, unit 194 Glider Infantry of th e 17th Airborne Division in Europe, France and in the Battle of the Bul ge in Belgium. | PUFFER, Samuel Dwight (I7309)
27555 | Served in the War of 1812. | NUTT, Isaac Brewster (I14442)
27556 | Served in WWI 103rd Infantry Regiment, 26th Division. | ALLEN, Cpl. Leroy Alphonso (I23419)
27557 | Served several enlistments as a private in the MA militia. | HIXON, Isaac (I17357)
27558 | Served three months in Co. H., 141st Ill. Regt. in the Civil War and died of chronic diarrhea, unmarried, in the military hospital at Columbus, KY. He was mustered in at Camp Kane, St. Charles, IL and at 4'9" he was small but he had lied about his age and said he was 15. Civil War soldier, Pvt, Co. H, 141st IL Inf. Regt.. the "Registers of Deaths of Volunteers, 1861-1865" show his death at Columbus, KY from 'chronic diarrhea'. He was disinterred at Columbus, KY and reinterred at Mound City National Cemetery. | PUFFER, George Wilson (I19188)
27559 | Served through the Civil War in Co. E, 29th Inf. Reg., MI from Hazelton Township, MI. He enlisted Dec 13 1864, discharged Dec 16 1865. He was a shoemaker. His headstone was provided by Lee Marble Works, Lee, MA contracted on Aug 25, 1902. | PUFFER, Salem Shumway (I16867)
27560 | Served two enlistments as first-class engineer in the U.S. Navy; now su pt. of the Western Gas Engine Co., Los Angeles, Cal. | HENRY, Charles Davenport (I33159)
27561 | Served two enlistments in the Civil War. | HENRY, William E. (I33158)
27562 | served until Mar 29, 1887 | COUSINS, George Norcord (I52573)
27563 | Served with the Royal Canadian Artillery during WW2 1939-45. | PUFFER, Pvt. Thomas Harold (I32652)
27564 | Settled at Charleton, in the parish of Andover. He was listed in the su bsidy of Charleton Tithing in 1594 and Enham Rege (King's Enham) Tithin g in 1598. Ramridge Court Rolls indicate that Thomas Noyse was fined 6d for neglec ting his hedges on 28 June 1592. He was a juror at the courts held 15 J une 1587, 6 June 1588, and 28 June 1592. | NOYES, Thomas (I14369)
27565 | Settled in Addison Point, ME, with his father. He was there 27 APR 1778, with three in his family. He had as a settler "two hundred acres of land and three acres and twenty rods of marsh, being lots of land and marsh No. 3 on the west side of Pleasant River and No. 45 on the east side, also eight acres of Dyke Marsh, being part of "Dyke No. 1". His homestead is said to have been situated on Addison Ridge. His death recorded as "cut his throat with a razor", not recorded if it was intentional. | NASH, Isaiah (I16492)
27566 | Settled in Chicago. | HUBBARD, John Newton (I23306)
27567 | Settled in Colchester, VT. He left Peterboro, NH in the winter of 1808-9 and moved to Keene, NY; stayed there till Dec., 1811; moved over to Addison, VT; stayed there till Dec, 1824; moved to Vergennes, VT., where he lived until May, 1828. He went to Panton, VT, where he lived till Se pt, 1833. He was one year at Plattsburgh, NY, whence he returned to Panton, moving soon afterward to Ferrisburg, VT, whence in April, 1840, he moved to Waltham, VT, where he lived three years. He lived the rest of his life at Essex, VT. | PUFFER, William Elijah (I13686)
27568 | Settled in Putnam Co., IA where he died. President of the Lucerne Bank for many years. | BOLAND, John (I19783)
27569 | Settled in Racine, WI; never married. | PUFFER, Lorin Z. (I34232)
27570 | Settled in Stafford, CT. | TEMPLE, Laura Ann (I15033)
27571 | Seven children. | ALLEN, John Redman (I23030)
27572 | Several children living. | BARR, John (I35071)
27573 | Sexton records indicate she was entombed there until burial in spring, but not at this cemetery. | PRIEST, Ella Mary (I22937)
27574 | Sgt, Co G., 63rd Pennsylvania Volunteers | PUFFER, William B. (I44448)
27575 | Shadrach Habgood aged fourteen years embarked at Gravesend May 30, 1656, in the Speedwell, Robert Lock, Master, bound for New England," and in July arrived in Boston. Several other minors embarked at the same time, whose names soon after reappeared at Marlboro and Sudbury, where he had a cousin, Thomas Haynes, who had not improbably "been sent to bring him". Shadrach Habgood was a young man of enterprise, and early laid the foundation of the spacious and fertile landed estates which so many of his descendants have enjoyed quite down to the present time. | HABGOOD, Shadrach (I116)
27576 | Shared in the division of lands with those who came in the Anne | SPRAGUE, Francis (I50597)
27577 | She "..came to Windsor with her parents and siblings, went across the river to Detroit's Crowley Milner department store where she wored in 3rd floor white goods and soon met Ray W. Puffer, a young man who worked at A. Krolik. They met on a Sunday afternoon boat ride - a favorite entertainment for young people from both sides of the river during summer Sundays. They were wed in Detroit, MI, April 12, 1913." Ruth La Bounty Puffer. | WARREN, Clara Maude (I16675)
27578 | She administered the estate. | BATEMAN, Jennie Louisa Page (I6365)
27579 | She and children Frances, Gordon, Charles, William and Harold crossed the border in Detroit, MI to join her husband, William John Puffer, at 400 Ballard Street, Ypsilanti, MI to live. | TROUT, Agnes (I1567)
27580 | She and Harrison Amos Puffer lived in the village of Cornell, MI on the east side of Keefer Highway | CARBAUGH, Nancy M. (I169)
27581 | She and her 5 daughters came to America on the ship Anne in 1623 | WALKER, Elizabeth (I13110)
27582 | She and her brother Alfred Eugene, stayed with they're uncle Alfred (father's side) and family after their mother died in 1881. | PUFFER, Eudora Louise (I17039)
27583 | She and her brother Charles are living with the George H. Croul family in Lyons, NY in 1860 | PUFFER, Phebe Albertine (I36192)
27584 | She and her brother, Richard, were wards of the Brewster family. The story goes that they were bastard children of Mr. More's wife. When Mr. More found that out he abandoned them. The Brewsters took them in as wards. | MORE, Mary MAYFLOWER (I126117)
27585 | She and her daughter Jane were domestics in the home of Charles Turner. | Pamela\Parmela (I36040)
27586 | She and her family appear on the "Intruder Schedule 3, Census of Cooweesowee, Cherokee Nation", they are NOT American Indians. | PUFFER, Mary Bolton (I42925)
27587 | She and her first husband, John Ewer, d 1638, to whom she was married i n London, England, on Jan. 13, 1623-4, embarked from London in June- 16 35, in the ship James, he aged 40, she, 28, with children: Sarah, 1627 - 1 645; Thomas Blossom Henry, 1629; Mary Elizabeth, 1631 Buried Apr. 9, 16 41; Thomas, 1633; Hannah. At the time of her marriage she is said to h ave owned a house and ten plots of land in Charlestown. Her two eldest c hildren lived with her father in Barnstable. Thomas Lothrop died Dec. 1 1, 1701. Children: 11 Mary, Oct. 4, 1640, Barnstable X ^1) John Stearns ; (2) WilUam French | LINNETT, Sarah (I17905)
27588 | She and her husband arrived in New England on the "Bevis" in 1638, settling first at Weymouth, MA and then, by 1645, Rehoboth, MA. | BRIANT, Abigail (I38063)
27589 | She and her husband conveyed land at Brimfield, MA to Milton G. Puffer of Vernon, CT, May 19, 1856. | EDSON, Lucinda (I10535)
27590 | She and her husband lived in the old Tozier Garrison, so called, on the Berwick side, near Salmon Falls. A part of this garrison remains upon the old site. She was taken prisoner by Indians, twice with her husband, once alone. She was taken to Canada on Mar 18 1690. NEGHR 1852 lists her among those rescued by Matthew Carey in October 1695. | WENTWORTH, Elizabeth (I27850)
27591 | She and her husband settled in Brewer, ME | INGERSOLL, Susan (I8256)
27592 | She and husband removed to Harvard in 1765. | PUFFER, Huldah (I6461)
27593 | She and two sisters were given up for adoption by their father James DeLand when his wife died. His wife had 6 children 3 died at birth. She apparently was in bad health when she had Sarah and never really recovered. Hattie was only about 5, her sister Bertha was 3 and Sarah wasn't even a year when they were adopted by separate families in the area. | DELAND, Harriet Maria (I17624)
27594 | She appears along with her daughter Jane M. in the 1850 and 1860 Federal Census as a domestic in the household of Charles Turner. Her name is spelled Permelia/Parmela in some records, but her g.s. clearly shows Pamela. There is some question that she's married to a "Puffer". The 1790 Federal Census for Delaware County (Stamford), NY shows what looks like it could be "Pieffer". It's not clear | Pamela\Parmela (I36040)
27595 | She appears as Iona Windover, born in Ontario. It's not known if she is an adopted child of the Puffers or a foundling. | PUFFER, Iona M. (I33735)
27596 | She appears in the 1830 NY Census for Dutchess County in the town of Stanford, NY (see Daniel/Pamela Puffer too). | PUFFER, Nellie (I36268)
27597 | She appears in the 1840 Federal Census living in Clarendon, VT and is between 40-50 years old. | PUFFER, Pamelia (I36531)
27598 | She appears in the 1850 Federal Census in Greece, NY with her grandson Lemuel, who is 7 y.o. She is 63 y.o. | PUFFER, Tamara (I8891)
27599 | She appears in the 1850 Federal Census with Daniel, her husband and 8 children. By 1860 Daniel has remarried to Susan L. Farr. Children, in 1860, Luman, Isabell, Samantha J., and Merrill J. are living with them. | Catharine (I24633)
27600 | She appears in the 1850 Federal Census with her children. Her place of birth is listed as New Hampshire. | BEEBE, Eliza (I23464)