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- It was this generation, around 1870 when men were changing their bundle some, immigrant name s to the American version. They changed it to how i t was pronounced in the locality where th ey settled. Apparently the G aelic pronounciation of McKaughan sounded like McCoin for that i s the m ost popular way to spell the name now. 1850 Federal census - Forsyth Co., NC, Archibald is listed as a 42 yr o ld male farmer born i n NC. His wife, Mary, is 40. Children as follows : Isaac H.-12, Richard H.-11, Charlotte E. - 9, Phebe Jane-7, John W.-2 . From the Agriculture Schedule for the year ending June 1, 1850, Archiba ld had 99 improved acr eage, 54 unimproved acreage, 575 cash value of f arm, 75 value of farming implements and machi nery, 1 horse,5 milch cow s, 5 other cattle, 7 sheep, 18 swine, 193 value of live stock, 53 bu sh els of wheat, 5 bushels of rye, 200 bushels of Indian corn, 100 bushels o f oats, 15 lbs o f wool, 10 bushels of Irish Potatoes, 5 bushels of swe et potatoes, 200 lbs of butter, 25 lbs . of cheese, 16 tons of hay, 12 v alue of home made manufactures, 62 value of animals slaughte red. 1860 Federal census - Forsyth Co., NC, Archibald is listed as 51 yr old m ale farmer born in N C. He has est.real 625 and est val. persona l at 1200. His wife, Mary, is listed as 50 , Isaac H. is 23 male day la borer, Richard H. is 21 male day laborer, Charlotte E. is 19, Phe be J. i s 17 and John W is 13. Archibald is listed as a juror to the June Court 1856 - Forsyth County C ourt of Pleas and Qua rters. Archibald is listed as a juror to the Sept 1849 Court - Forsyth County C ourt of Ps & Qs. Born in Guilford Co.(then Rowan) and grew up there. Moved to Stokes (n ow Forsyth) Co. in 183 9 and remained until his death. He was listed in the People's Press, Salem,NC. "Archibald McKaughan liv ed on the Amos Stewar t Place in Kernersville, NC. He was a member of t he Protestant Methodist Church." 20 Nov 18 79