Puffer Genealogy

, Charles Nutt, A. B., Descendants of George Puffer of Braintree, Massachusetts 1639-1915 (The Tuttle Company) (N.p.: n.p., n.d.).

Source Information

  • Title , Charles Nutt, A. B., Descendants of George Puffer of Braintree, Massachusetts 1639-1915 (The Tuttle Company) (N.p.: n.p., n.d.). 
    Short Title Charles Nutt, A. B., Descendants of George Puffer of Braintree, Massachusetts 1639-1915 (The Tuttle Company) 
    _BIBL . Charles Nutt, A. B., Descendants of George Puffer of Braintree, Massachusetts 1639-1915 (The Tuttle Company). N.p.: n.p., n.d.. 
    _SUBQ , Charles Nutt, A. B., Descendants of George Puffer of Braintree, Massachusetts 1639-1915 (The Tuttle Company)
    Source ID S1037 
    Linked to (2) EVANS, Rev. Samuel Edward
    Family: EVANS, Franklin Stetson / BIRD, Eliza H.